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” John, what are your predictions for the fights in Las Vegas?

Devon Larratt (Canada) vs Andrey Pushkar (Ukraine) left.

Two of the biggest most well known heavyweights in the world are going to match up across from the table, (Sigh) Left handed. Andrey Pushkar is the clear favorite in this match up being the current NEMIROFF Overall Left handed Champion. While Devon is known for his endurance, his left is very under rated. Look for Devon to extend the set up, and do everything possible to make this series last as long as possible. Andrey is more explosive and I envision him being able to continue his momentum from the start, but if Devon is able to stop a match anywhere in early rounds it may carry him to win the best of 6 matches. 4:2 Andrey.

Michael Todd (USA) vs Sergiy Tokarev (Ukraine) – right.

Monster Michael Todd right now is on fire strong, and may be the favorite against anyone in the World right now. This match is no different. Tokarev is a World class puller with very well known Top rolling skills and great hooking strength. With this I suspect he may gain the early advantage, but will fall short of pinning the monster. Todd will play the waiting game, and finish with a stare at the crowd, a whoop whoop yell, coupled with a triceps press once Sergiy is completely exhausted. The only chance Tokarev has… is to finish the match quickly He has to win with flash pins …the longer this match goes advantage Michael Todd. Michael 6:0

Todd Hutchings (USA) vs Khadzimurad Zoloev (Russia) – right.

These two are the strongest wrist to wrist pullers… in the World… at ANY weight. There is no doubt the winner of this match up can easily hold the title of strongest Pound for pound armwrestler on earth. Both of their strengths and weaknesses are very much the same. And the armwrestling world is on edge to see who will break first if it goes power HOOK (which it should). Have some towels ready, this is going to be a sweat fest … both with incredible heart and endurance …this one should be a crowd pleaser. This is an even money bet… 3:3 with a 7th match tie breaker.

Tim Bresnan (USA) vs Andrey Pushkar (Ukraine) – right.

Tim Bresnan has one of the strongest backpressure rolls in the game. While Andrey is known for having outrageous hand strength coupled with a deadly side Hit. Is Tim’s backpressure better than Andrey’s hand strength? This will determine the outcome. There are a few other questions that need to be answered in this one… can either of them pull from a defensive position? I think the winner will be the one who can control this match offensively from the start. nTim maybe the most under rated puller in the world right now .. If he can win this one it will put him on the very top of the armwrestling elite. 6:0 ….not sure who though.

Thank you John!

PeSzy ”
