As many armwrestlers already know by now, Vasiliy Kuznetsov is the man behind the Iron Rating youtube channel, he is making great videos about armwrestling and other strength sports.
If you scroll down, you can also watch a video with Vasiliy Kuznetsov shooting a gun / pistol, when he was at “ToddZilla” Todd Hutchings’ home.
vaso_1972 (Vasiliy Kuznetsov) – Google Translate: ” all that for which we love arm wrestling was that evening in abundance! And the passion and excitement, and the war till the last drop of blood … ??? Now you have to realize what you have seen in the picture, and so, that would keep the atmosphere! Will be working! ??? # zheleznyyreyting #ironrating # armwrestling @ “
“Iron rating” – Google Translate: ” If you say that it was a great trip is to say nothing! It was incredibly cool! Todd embodies all that is best in Armwrestling! “
“Iron rating” – Google Translate: ” This guy works in prison, he trains every day and picks up a very large weight! Today, the “Iron rating” was a guest at Dave Chafee. “
vaso_1972 (Vasiliy Kuznetsov) – Google Translate: ” Wild Wild West! ?? Toddzilla was not only a first-class arm wrestlers, but also a lover of weapons! Here we comprehend the foundations of American law with a revolver in his hand ??? #ironrating # armwrestling “
“Iron rating” – Google Translate: ” Dave trains in the hall with his cousin. A lot of work with iron. But there is no table in the room, the table stands at the Chafee home, though American heavyweight sparring especially not with someone … In general each of our hero is its own unique training system. Here for example, John categorically does not work with iron and rocking ToddZilla area is no longer the bathroom many of you. But regardless of the use of exercises and techniques, each of our heroes of a true champion. “