” Everyone, who had an opportunity to watch this lecture live, linking practical and theoretical Voevoda’s knowledge – for sure, is now smarter in his trainings and will remember about master’s tips for a long time.
In the second day, to consultation with Alexey young, old, men and women, beginners and those who looked experienced formed a solid queue. Alexey gave excellent diagnosis. Adept came to ‘attack’ and the Master answered – ‘With figure like yours, it would be better to fight over. Look, set so.’ – he showed concrete solutions. Everyone could ‘checked’ and heard concrete tip or answer for asked question.
Fleshes were flashing, people recorded with phones cameras – knowledge was literally lying on a table, to take.
Very important what was Alexey spoke about psychological approach to a fight, to a training. Shortly, accurately, even bluntly he related how to train, how to approach the fight, how to behave during the fight.
If someone has this record, he should watch it at least once a weak.
If we write up where do the ‘students’ come from, maybe next year it will turn out that they are succeeding in our sport.
I also liked how Alexey spoke honestly about his first trainings that his main motivation was to develop a silhouette to appeal to girls! I’ve always liked him, and now even more!
The second anecdote, which the told, was according to his origin. When he came to Poland for the first time for a second “Złoty Tur Cup” (Golden Aurochs Cup) in 2011 – we could have read his name in Polish: Wojewoda. Wojewoda, which means the one who governs voivodeship (province in Poland), we explained it to the perplexed competitor. But in Russia there aren’t any voivodeships. There are guberniyas. Anyway, every one (excepting Igor Mazurenko) persuaded the young competitor that if he has that surname – he has to be Polish. Wojewoda – Voevoda was a little… abashed with this fact. Similarly it was with John Brzenk, but it’s a different story.
More photos from the seminar you will find in the gallery of the second day of the A1 tournament on our website.
In the photo Alexey with long hair.
Dear ladies! Which Alexey do you like more?
Answers direct at… his address
PeSzy ”
Source: armpower.net

Source: armpower.net