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VIDEO: Armwrestling about doping control in 2013, English Subtitles │by Armpower.NET

 – at the beginning of the video talks about doping control,
 – from 6:14 talks about doping control,
 – from 12:17 talks about doping control

Published on 4 Jul 2013

Igor Mazurenko, Andrey Pushkar, Nazarij Ivanitskij, Georgy Lobanov and Oleg Zokh about doping control results in 2013.

Source: armpowernet

Start time Transcript from YouTube
00:02 Right now we will speak about the doping control.
00:09 We have 12 positive results now.
00:12 The results are positive for big stars in armwrestling
00:14 How it will change our discipline of sport?
00:17 I think now is a moment for new competitors
00:21 For that, who was not so strong yet
00:28 For example in 80 – 86kg
00:33 If they was not so strong
00:38 and they oponents was strong
00:42 now, they can be at the first places.
00:48 The level of the category will be different
00:50 and we will receive new winners.
00:57 Is this good for us that there will be missing champions like
01:01 Rustam Babayev, Arsen Liliev?
01:05 I think…
01:10 they was fighting in open classes
01:15 Rustam Babayev, Liliev, Mamedov
01:18 and Tsakhilov…
01:21 Right now the open class will be not so interesting.
01:28 Mamedov for example was the best in 80kg
01:39 and he won with the verry good sportsmens.
01:43 It was standard for this class
01:50 but now we will not see him.
01:53 And Rustam Babaev in 86kg
01:56 was strong in this class – even he pulled with Denis Cyplenkov.
02:00 I think it will be missing.
02:07 How it will change our sport?
02:10 Is this means that it will change the point of view for young people?
02:17 They can say “we don’t need this sport because we can be “positive” too.
02:26 I think they will not think like this.
02:30 They will think that they have to train harder.
02:35 And do not use anything what is not allowed.
02:38 Just to train this sport.
02:42 … ?
02:52 What is your opinion about doping control?
02:56 I’m not using anything what is not allowed.
03:03 I was tested at the European Championships
03:06 and there was no problems
03:11 I think you can train and collect the results without that.
03:17 Relly important topic right now – doping control.
03:26 This situation from European Championships with 12 competitors
03:31 including the big champions
03:33 Rustam Babaev, Kvikvinia ect.
03:36 Bratchenia, Mamedov ect
03:44 Every name have some fans around the world
03:49 In their cities, regions…
03:52 … makes some good things…
03:55 and they are positive during the doping control. What do you think about this situation?
04:00 Is this some mistake?
04:03 I think, that because of football Euro 2012 – in Poland there was some changes in the laboratories.
04:21 And now they can find more than before.
04:29 So, thats why it changed situation.
04:42 Its really hard time for this sportsmen and I think everyone have to think about it.
04:46 Do you think that all of this 12 competitors will come back after 2 years?
04:51 I think we can not see everyone.
04:57 I want to say, that (if I remember it good) they have to make second test after this 2 years.
05:20 Yes, they have to do second test.
05:22 I think some of them will be affraid to make this test again.
05:28 They have an option to fight in pro-armwrestling.
05:33 Yes, they can go to the pro (PAL)
05:39 It hard to say, but it will be hard to leave this sport.
05:45 Its not a hobby – its something like the way of life.
05:50 How will be armwrestlig changed now (i mean the popularity)?
06:05 I think for next time and it will get the championships level down.
06:15 Topic: doping control
06:20 There was 12 competitors “positive” at the Europeans.
06:27 A lot of competitors with big names.
06:29 Could you comment this?
06:33 Is this some mistake?
06:49 Right now no on knows a date, how long the substances stays in your body.
06:53 And its changing every year.
06:58 There is some substances what you can find in your body for 2-3 weeks.
07:03 And some stays more that 3 months.
07:06 No one knows how long it stays.
07:10 And they are positive.
07:13 Do you think they will return to armwrestling after 2 years?
07:20 I depends of them.
07:25 Its important moment now
07:31 … ?
07:35 How it change our sport?
07:40 Some sportsmen or fans can go away?
07:49 A lot of people can more think about it.
07:58 Is this good to use some substances for this championships or not if you want to start.
08:03 Because you dont know the end of this.
08:07 you know – you can became the pro-armwrestler anyway (later)
08:10 Since there is no doping tests in professional armwrestling
08:14 Yes, but now they have 2 years break.
08:24 What you can say for all this “positive” tested 12 boys
08:33 Just wait, train… its only 2 years…
08:40 and come back!
08:50 You are the Ukrainian champion and competitor in Worlds and Europeans.
09:00 This year after the doping control we received 12 positive test results.
09:07 And there is 12 positive for really big competitors.
09:21 What do you thing about it?
09:24 How it will change the armwrestling?
09:34 Its really negative for us.
09:40 for us and armwrestling image
09:47 But we have to know, that they known what they are doing.
09:57 For the future? Its possible that more people will not came to worlds or europeas.
10:07 It will be negative for armwrestling?
10:18 I dont think so – everytime its some good result after the doping control.
10:31 Do you think this should be tested again, because that all of 12 competitors was positive for…
10:41 … only one substance.
10:56 Its hard to say. I dont know the technical way for doping control.
11:03 But globally i think that it will be good to make tests for all top 3 competitors in every category.
11:23 I think it will be standard in next few years.
11:31 What all the 12 should do now for this 2 years? Will they return to armwrestling?
11:39 Why not?
11:41 In our sport we have a lot of fanatics.
11:47 Real sportsmen really love this sport. If not – they will not become the armwrestler.
11:57 I think they will return and they will fight.
12:00 Fight at the same level like today.
12:05 Do you think that they will not go to Worlds or Europeans but only for Nemiroff?
12:12 It depends of them.
12:18 In 2005 European Federation make the first doping control procedure.
12:22 EAF wanted to check the “clear level” of our sport.
12:30 From the 2004 and 2005 we started official procedure to become Sport Accord member.
12:36 The organisation who can say that we are the sport discipline officially.
12:42 And give us more possibilities for the future.
12:49 One of the important point in this procedure it was the doping control.
12:59 In 2005 during the Europeans there was no one positive tested.
13:05 And it was really good for us.
13:09 And we was thinking that our sport is far away from the doping.
13:24 But at the Worlds 2005 there was one positive result.
13:32 It was the russan competitor – Artem Klimenko.
13:37 It was positive for … (some substance name)
13:41 This substance stays in your body for 2 years.
13:46 So – this is the start of doping control in armwrestling.
13:51 In next years there was some competitors checked and suspended for doping.
13:57 It was sometimes 3, sometimes 2 and sometimes 5.
14:00 In 2006 there was 6 positives.
14:05 But this size (like this year) – 12 competitors – its the first time.
14:13 And the tests was positive for big names.
14:19 They was “our future” I can say.
14:23 Our symbols for armwrestling.
14:29 Arsen Liliev, Rustam Babayev, Mamedov, Tsakhilov…
14:37 Kvikvinia…
14:41 For us it was a shock.
14:44 All of them was tested positive for one substance.
14:48 Now we have to ask:
14:50 is this some mistake in the laboratory?
14:54 Or the biology, chemistry made some step forward to find this?
15:04 Even there was some joke that its because football Euro 2012.
15:12 And the laboratories changes the procedure to make the doping tests.
15:27 And from 2012 the laboratories was changed.
15:37 So if the sportsmen will open “B” test
15:42 and the result will be negative – its mistake.
15:51 But if the test will be positive – sportsmen will be suspended for minimum 2 years.
16:02 How it will change our sport?
16:05 Its not good, but there is the teory to not susped them,
16:15 because they are the legendary competitors in armwresling.
16:21 Some persons said that there is nothing to watch at A1 in Moscow.
16:25 There was Arsen Liliev at the top 3.
16:28 Now they dont want to watch it.
16:33 What I can say…
16:36 If we will not susped the champions then who we will suspend? Only 5 or 6 places?
16:45 Its not right.
16:48 Otherwise its not good.
16:54 But I’m sure that that competitors, or other competitors will think twice before they will use doping.
17:02 Its really important.
17:15 My first reaction for this situation was the phone call to WAF President (Assen)
17:27 and my question was “what next”.
17:32 What we have to say to people.
17:36 But what we can say. All of you have to know, that in internet there is only me online on all of community sites.
17:46 I have an account at facebook, vkontakte, g+ ect and I’m receiving a lot of questions.
17:58 In this year I think its not possible but for next years we are going to increase the doping tests.
18:08 We are going to test all of 3 top competitors from every class.
18:14 From seniors.
18:17 Even this year there will be 40 tests inplace of 20.
18:24 At the worlds 2013.
18:27 For next year we will make 60 tests.
18:32 And finally we want to make the test for all medalists.
18:42 So for everybody I can say – It will be not easy in the future.
18:49 Do you think there will be more positives? I dont think so.
18:57 But we have to show everyone, that armwrestling is clear.
19:06 But all of you know there is no “clear” discipline.
19:14 And every year there is some positives – and it not depends of the fight with doping.
19:21 But we can see, that there is some new substances every moment in this kind of sport.
19:27 And a lot of not allowed substances.
19:30 But not only in armwrestling.

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Andrey Pushkar talking about doping control in 2013, English Subtitles
Andrey Pushkar talking about doping control in 2013, English Subtitles