The video footage was recorded on 4 January 2015 and is mainly about the strongman training of Denis Cyplenkov, but they also talk about armwrestling (in Russian language).
From 8:16 in the video you can watch some of his wins from A1 Russian Open 2012 (See ► RESULTS: A1 Russian Open 2012) and from A1 Russian Open 2013 (See ► RESULTS: A1 Russian Open 2013 │PHOTOS).
From 12:45 I believe Denis Cyplenkov explains how some exercises can also help in armwrestling.
В гостях у Дениса Цыпленкова #3 ВидеоБлог (Google Translate: Visiting Dennis Tsyplenkova # 3 Video Blog)
[embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=O-UgfXxM97w&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4293″ /]
Published on 11 Jan 2015
Google Translate: How to train Strong and whether the tire from the tractor pump biceps of steel – all this “Iron rated” said the absolute armwrestling world champion Denis Cyplenkov. We came to Denis 4 January, but despite the New Year’s holiday, he trained himself not allowed to miss their colleagues on a power extreme and tried to get the tires to carry the author of “The Iron rating!” 😉
discussion of the program:
2nd issue videoblog: https: // v = skW7n …
Source: ironrating
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