His name in the Cyrillic alphabet: Евгений Прудник.
If we take letter by letter, the best translation for his name would be: Evgeniy Prudnik.
The first translation used at the European and World Championships: Ievgenii Prudnyk – this is not a very good translation, but it stuck because it was the first one used at major events, and it is still used because it remained in their database in this form.
With Google Translate: 1. Евгений Прудник = Eugene Prudnik (for Russian translation);
2. Евгений Прудник = Eugene Prudnyk (for Ukrainian translation)
Lately, I started using Evgeny Prudnik when I name the articles, because this is how his name is shown on his vk page (this translation is done by vk I believe, they have some better experience with this).
* Vk = VKontakte = ВКонтакте – the most popular social network in Russia, most russians use it instead of facebook. Read also ► Putin Has Taken Control Of Russian Facebook
Ievgenii Prudnyk : The Path Of A Conqueror
[embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/iCmozLhPu-Y?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=iCmozLhPu-Y&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep5477″ /]
Source: Anyone Adrian
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