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VIDEOS: Trubin, Zoloev, Tullier, Ballinger, Finals of 2016 Arnold Classic Armwrestling Challenge

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Source: ArmBets.TV
Finals Zoloev and Trubin at Arnold classic Armwrestling 2016/Финалы в 90кг и + 90 кг

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WOW! K.Zoloev and Craig Tullier/ side table AFTER Arnold Classic ArmWrestling Challenge 2016


Scott Ballinger vs. Dmitry Trubin, +199 lb (+90 kg) Final, 2016 Arnold Classic Armwrestling Challenge (ACAC) │ Capture by XSportNews from the video
Scott Ballinger vs. Dmitry Trubin, +199 lb (+90 kg) Final, 2016 Arnold Classic Armwrestling Challenge (ACAC) │ Capture by XSportNews from the video