Click here to read the article on ironmind.com about Ioan Cristian Puscasu’s certification on
No. 3.5 Captains of Crush® Gripper in 2010.
On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Ioan Cristian Puscasu a.k.a. “The Bear” will attempt to close the No. 4 Captains of Crush® Gripper under certification rules, on romanian TV sports channel – sport.ro.
In 2010, Ioan “The Bear” Puscasu closed very easily CoC No. 3.5, without even doing a warming up before. He closed the gripper and he kept it closed almost 10 seconds. Next he attempted to close CoC No.4 but he missed it by a very small gap, due to the muscle fatigue gained from closing the CoC No. 3.5.
It is very important to mention that all the men from Who’s Who No. 4 Captains of Crush® Grippers list were certified before 2005 year. In 2005 were introduced the new GR8™ Springs, but more important is that the Rules for Closing were drastically changed, the major difference being the new credit/ATM card rule.
If Ioan “The Bear” Puscasu succeeds in officially closing the No. 4 Captains of Crush® Gripper, he would be the first man to do it on the new Rules for Closing and with the new GR8™ Springs.
We wish him good luck (we know he did it before, but not officially) !
More Info: SKNX
Update: The event will be broadcasted live on sport.ro channel – Wednesday, August 22, 2012 – at 19:00 Romania Time.
Great news!! Is there a place where people in America can watch the event live? Maybe someone can stream the channel on Justin.tv ?? Its a free service that allows you top stream TV channels for anyone to see online.
Hi Frank,
Sometimes sport.ro has a live stream on their site but they don’t use it all the time.
With this link you can see everything that is on TV right now (on channel sport.ro), in Romania the link works well all the time (but I’m afraid in USA it will depend very much on your external bandwidth): http://www.cool-itv.net/ch/sportro.html
The link works just in Internet Explorer (for Chrome I use this plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd), and you have to install http://www.sopcast.com/download/
FELICITARI! este bine pentru inceput.
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