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VIDEOS: Tendonitis Treatment, Recovery Exercises, Rehab, Cure

” No, it probably wont CURE tendonitis. But Lindsay Taylor referred to it as “black magic” even before I told her that Kelly Starret called it voodo. Had a football player preparing for the NFL combine that had been inhibited by tendonitis in his knee for a about 6 months go totally pain free with a greatly improved range of motion in the less than 5 minutes that it took to do this. From what I understand, this originally came from Donny Thompson. It works, try it. ”

Source: glennpendlay

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Donnie Thompson Shoulder Fix | Feat. Kelly Starrett | Ep. 205 (Part 2) | MobilityWOD
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Source: Kelly Starrett

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Tendonitis Treatment, Recovery Exercises, Rehab, Cure │ Capture by XSportNews from the video
Tendonitis Treatment, Recovery Exercises, Rehab, Cure │ Capture by XSportNews from the video