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I have to say this: only the first 2 matches looked like they could be real… The 3rd match looked like Devon Larratt made it like this just for entertainment purposes, he was playing with his wrist, this is just my opinion… Anyway it was fun to watch and most important the money went to a very good cause – helping the children with no legs.
Frank X Budelewski – facebook: ” This tag was made months ago. the @buffalofitnessexpo kept it for me. Instantly brought to tears because Rich was going to suprise me. He believed in this match and in me. Now that its over? i dont think anyone expected me to win. Even a round. yet Devon Larratt admits with the first hit he pulled out. It was in losing position causing a loss. The next two were not what people expected. OF COURSE doubt continues. I knew it would be there if I did well. They can believe what they want thats ok. i gained respect from Devon and Marcio Barboza who both now want to assist in my progression since I was more than expected. certainly not a world champ but never claimed to be. i helped kids and got respect from those who matter most and offering of help from more of the best in the sport. I broke my finger in the match lol cant fake that. The technique and endurance I still need. But im trying. i wanted to help the sport of armwrestling and i can now call it my sport as well. i dedicated today to Rich who’wanted to unite factions of the industry and today was a step toward doing so. i love you brother. Thank u for being my strength today ”
Source: Buffalo Fitness Expo Podcast
Frank X Budelewski – facebook: ” I know people have been waiting for lol or dreading ANOTHER post from me lol but let me just say… When you are forced to or agree to fight someone? you arent going to have tea and make snow angels together. you build animosity toward eachother and come out swingin. and thats exactly what Devon Larratt and I did on Sept 9th. For around 8 weeks we hated eachother so we could deliver love to children who needed it. Through forced hate? each of our fans turned and attacked on the other. lol maybe I got a bit more lol. but what it did was force investigation. each side wanted to know who the other was. And as a benefit, the armwrestling community got attention from media, sponsors etc. We in bodybuilding need protein, joint support etc. but not even CLOSE to how much armwrestlers do! Supplement companies wake up!! untapped demographic and athletes with magical strength. People who dont know the sport? learn. I have done many things in my life. NONE more technical. If you are a combat OR technician fan, educate yourself on youtube. Follow the Larratts, Travis Bagent, Mike Ayello, Bart Wood, Dave Chaffee, Craig Tullier. Craig Soubliere Matt ‘Chop’ Bertrand Marcio Barboza, Bill Logsdon, Chance Shaw, Michael Todd… My god I could go on forever. Watch their match and compilation videos. I gave you a SAMPLE of what the sport is. But im a baby. entry level pro with power. Lacking experience, technique and endurance. BUT i know what i need to do. I have had a reawakening. Rich Piana loved the sport and what I was doing. He couldnt’wait to do a video and promote it but never got to. I worked my ass off for this and im just getting started. They say I shocked the world. I think I just showed where my heart and respect was. thank u marcio and mike for coming 7-8 hr to be here for me. Devon and Jodi Wood Larratt you are two of the greatest people i know. to work SO hard for this sport and to bring my kids- who love it so much- a kids table touched our hearts. To get respect from not just 1 idol, but 3? and countless writing me? means SO MUCH to me. Joe Canazzi i never would have started if not for u and that punch was working lol i just gassed. Raymond Cote? man ur belief in me meant more than u know. People i LOVE this sport and i wont stop promoting it in every way I can. Its NOT the bs u c at the table. Its the amazing people who help eachother that drew me in. Mikel Gould if not for your original message to me? i never would have gotten into the sport. You have never not believed in me and for that? U have my respect and friendship forever. The date is done. Peace and respect given and bond made. Devon is more than a champ. Hes an ambassador. Todays seminar screamed passion. He lives for the sport. I may have shocked him but i am a ways away from his level. HOWEVER- i almost feel bad for whos next because it will be a step or many steps down. This wasnt a show or one trick attraction. Im coming and now have more in my corner. Rich mean alot to me. He found me out of nowhere and believed in me. i lost rich but gained devon who has done the same. Yesterday I made not 1 brother but 3. And Many more online. Guys in the sport? get on social media and build ur pages. It is KEY to sponsorship and building your organization. Thank u to all attdeded or watched online!! you helped many children and the sport. Romer Mendez thank u for taking a chance with this and Jim Costanzo it never would have happened without you!!! ”