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In case you are wondering why the site is named wada-ama.com, the answer is that in French language the name is Agence Mondiale Antidopage.
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA; French: Agence mondiale antidopage) is an independent foundation created through a collective initiative led by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It was set up on November 10, 1999 in Lausanne, Switzerland, as a result of what was called the “Declaration of Lausanne”,[1] to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against drugs in sport. Since 2002, the organization’s headquarters have been located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Lausanne office became the regional office for Europe. Other regional offices have been established in Africa, Asia/Oceania and Latin America. WADA is responsible for the World Anti-Doping Code, adopted by more than 600 sports organizations, including international sports federations, national anti-doping organizations, the IOC, and the International Paralympic Committee. As of 2014, its president is Sir Craig Reedie.
Initially funded by the International Olympic Committee, WADA now receives half of its budgetary requirements from them, with the other half coming from various governments throughout the world. Its governing bodies are also composed in equal parts by representatives from the sporting movement (including athletes) and governments of the world. The agency’s key activities include scientific research, education, development of anti-doping capacities and monitoring of the World Anti-Doping Code.
Source: wikipedia.org
The first significant event of the championship was a referee seminar. According to the World Armwrestling Federation head referee Leonard Harkless, the theoretical part of a seminar – tests and theory analysis – have been passed by 60 judges from around the world. Practice was passed by 46 referees. «Finally we have an ideal competition – said Leonard. – All fights for all four days will be hold by qualified referees, who has «senior» and «master» rank. This is what I sought for a long time. In addition, the fights will be held at eight tables».
General and very important topic of the Continental Congress was a matter of World Armwrestling Federation enter in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). A President of World Armwrestling Federation Assen Hadzhitodorov said: «This year we made two huge steps that lead us to the Olympic Committee. Firstly, we have become full members of the anti-doping committee. Secondly, this achievement and hard work of the Head Secretary of the World Federation Mircea Simionescu has allowed us to apply all the documents for membership in «Sport Accord». Our formal membership in this organization is a matter of time».
Also Assen Hadzhitodorov noted that because of these achievements a federation has an important responsibility and new requirements, according to which some doping tests will be made between competitions too. If the federation complies with the requirements of WADA and «Sport Accord», then it is likely that the armwrestling will enter the list of the World Games 2017.
In addition, the European Congress supported Assen Hadzhitodorov about the number of doping tests at the next European Championships – they will be 40, as in the last one. Also Marian Capla introduced the proposal to conduct team championships.
The North American Congress addressed the topic of doping control for athletes who have changed gender surgically because indicators of the level of certain hormones for these athletes do not always meet the standards.
An important theme of Asian Congress was the problem of World Championship 2015 in Malaysia. Representatives of Asian federation have expressed doubts about these events due to a number of reasons, depending on the Malaysian federation. But the decision rests with the World Federation, which Congress will take place on 16 September.
Source: armpower.net